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Playright Fun Flag Day 2023

Date: 23/08/2023
Time: 10:00 am -


Due to limited quota, members can exclusively register online starting from August 23, 2023 (Wednesday), 10:00am at our website ( while non-members can register online from August 25, 2023 (Friday), 10:00am on first-come-first-serve basis. Deadline for application scheduled on September 4, 2023 (Monday) 6pm. If your registration is successful, you will receive an instant confirmation email.

We encourage you to join / renew your PTA membership NOW by registering online at our website ( to enjoy member benefits at our activities. Membership will be effective immediately.  Please note that fees are not refundable nor transferable once your payment is made.


  1. According to law, child at age 14 or below must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to sell flags. If you intent to enrol 2 or more children in your family to participate in this activity and would like them to have their ow flag selling bag (please make sure that each child will be accompanied by an adult as required), please register each child separately under a different parent’s name. Otherwise, only one bag will be assigned.
  2. Participating families must return their flag selling bags from 10:30am to 12:15pm on the flat selling day to the assigned flag depot and keep the receipt for a week. For security reason, we have to report to the police for any lost or stolen flag selling bag, therefore we are sorry that PTA and the school are not able to collect and return flat selling bags for you.  Thank you for your understanding in advance.
  3. Each registered children volunteer will be presented with an appreciation certificate and a set of stickers as a token of appreciation. Please collect them directly from the staff of Playright upon return of the flag selling bags.
  4. Photos taken during this PTA activity may be posted on the PTA newsletter and/or PTA website.
  5. If the activity is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, PTA will notify parents as soon as possible.