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Rolling Admissions
Applications for PN to K3
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Curriculum Brochure 維多利亞教育機構課程簡介 维多利亚教育机构课程简介

SH - 59th Graduation Organising Committee

Date: 01/12/2023
Time: -

Dear Parents,

As your child prepares to achieve their first educational milestone and embark on their journey to primary school, we kindly invite you to spare a small portion of your time to contribute to this meaningful endeavor.

The PTA is seeking the collaboration of K3 parents in creating the 2023/2024 K3 graduation album and planning graduation activities for our campus.

You are encouraged to register as a committee member starting from 12:00 p.m. on 20th November (Monday) until 6:00 p.m. of 27th November 2023 (Monday).

For parents who are interested in organising the graduation album and graduation activities, please attend the below listed one and only one briefing session.  We will share with you the past experience in organising them and respond to your enquiries at the briefing session.  Please note that there may not be a graduation album and graduation activities for your campus if there is insufficient number of parents serving on the committee.  Details of the briefing session as below:


Date:       Friday, 1st December 2023

Time:      6:00pm – 7:00pm

Venue:    Online via ZOOM