Victoria educational organisation

Rolling Admissions
Applications for PN to K3
VEO Brochures 維多利亞機構小冊子 维多利亚机构小册子
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Curriculum Brochure 維多利亞教育機構課程簡介 维多利亚教育机构课程简介

Middle Kornhill Campus - KMB Sha Tin Bus Depot Visit

Date: 17/06/2023
Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Location: Shatin KMB Depot, 6-8 Yuen Shun Circuit, Sha Tin (City One MTR Station Exit D, walk for about 7min)
Person: 19 pairs of family 19對親子組合

Details are as follows:

Date                    : 17 June 2023 (Saturday)

Time                   : 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m.

Venue                 : Shatin KMB Depot, 6-8 Yuen Shun Circuit, Sha Tin (City One MTR Station Exit D, walk for about 7min)

Assemble          : 11:50 a.m. Outside KMB Depot Main Entrance

Language           : Cantonese

Charge                : For 1 Adult and 1 Child / PTA Members: HK$400;  Non-PTA Members: HK$480

Spaces are limited and available on first-come-first-served basis with priority to PTA members


Enrollment details and disclaimers:

  1. Due to limited quota, PTA members can register online starting from 10am on 24th May 2023 (Wednesday) and non-members can register online from 10a.m on 25th May 2023 (Thursday), on a first-come-first-served basis. Registration will end on 29th May 2023 (Monday) at 6p.m.
  2. Please provide participants’ HKID Chinese or English name and last 4 digits of HKID (e.g﹕HKID A123456(7), provide 456(7)) for insurance purpose.
  3. Please register online via PTA website You will receive an instant confirmation email upon successful registration. Please ensure you provide a valid email address to receive the information.
  4. Registration is not completed until the online PayPal payment of the admission fee is made and confirmed. Those who fail to pay the admission fee shall be deemed as not completing the registration process.
  5. Price includes admission fee, administration cost of online enrolment and PayPal administration cost.
  6. There will be no refund once payment has been made and confirmed, except for duplicate payments or payments made in error. If the event is cancelled due to weather conditions or pandemic situation, fees will be refunded after deducting administrative fees. No refund will be provided in any other cases.
  7. Photos will be taken during this PTA activity may be posted on the PTA newsletter and/or PTA website. By enrolling in this event, you agree that photos maybe taken and be used for these purposes.  If you do not wish your photos to be used for these purposes, please do not participate in any photo-taking during the activity.
  8. PTA members enjoy various membership benefits throughout the year. Members have access to priority in registering for most PTA activities.  You may apply or renew your PTA membership online.  Membership will be effective immediately.


Should you have any queries, please e-mail us at

Yours sincerely,

Victoria Educational Organisation Parent-Teacher Association