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Curriculum Brochure 維多利亞教育機構課程簡介 维多利亚教育机构课程简介

Upper Kornhill Campus Infant & Toddler Programme Information Session

Date: Wednesday, 30 August 2023
Time: 5:30 - 6:30PM
Location: Victoria (Kornhill) Nursery - G/F, 14 Hong Yue Street, Kornhill, Hong Kong
Person: 50

Information Session: Discover How The VEO Infant and Toddler Programme Fosters Whole-Child Development for Lifelong Learning!

Looking for the perfect programme to offer your children a head start on their education journeys? Look no further than the Victoria (Kornhill) Nursery (Upper Kornhill Campus) Infant and Toddler Programme!

Come and meet Principal Gabriel Li and Genevieve Best, Director of English Studies, who will share how this special programme seizes on the first three golden years of childhood development to help build bilingual and lifelong learning skills.

Don’t miss this opportunity to prepare your child to successfully transition to kindergarten, primary school, and beyond! Parents will enjoy the chance to explore campus, a model VEO kindergarten, and to experience VEO student life first-hand!

Register now!

First come, first served! Capped at 50 participants.