Victoria educational organisation

Rolling Admissions
Applications for PN to K3
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Curriculum Brochure 維多利亞教育機構課程簡介 维多利亚教育机构课程简介

Meet VEO Principals at AY2024/25 Pre-Nursery Class (PN) and Nursery Class (K1) Admissions Seminar!

Date: Saturday, 9 & 16 September 2023
Time: 10:00AM – 11:15AM (Cantonese)
    11:45AM – 1:00PM (English)
Location: Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups – Auditorium
Person: --

Children’s first six years are considered their golden period of development. How can we, as parents, seize on this critical window to develop children’s trilingual (English, Putonghua and Cantonese), self-management and lifelong learning skills? How can we best prepare our children to transition from nursery to kindergarten and then primary school?

At Victoria Educational Organsation (VEO)’s AY2024/25 Pre-Nursery Class (PN) and Nursery Class (K1) Admissions Seminar, you can find out the answers to all these education and development related questions. In addition to introducing VEO’s world-class trilingual education that encompasses inquiry-based and maker-centered learning, our early childhood educators will discuss strategies for helping children transition from VEO to multiple primary school pathways, including Victoria Shanghai Academy (VSA), and leading local and international schools.

During the Question-and-Answer Session, VEO Campus Principals will be on site to share their view on what parents are interested in and concern most, including VEO interview procedure, differentiation of our campuses and primary school placement results; and elaborate how our renowned programmes facilitate children’s lifelong learning and holistic development.

The details of the Admissions Seminar are as below:

To learn more about the unique VEO education which is based on world-class research-based pedagogies, and teaching and learning best practices, please click the button at the right to register to the Admissions Seminar NOW.

Limited quota for each session will be offered on a first come, first served basis.



You may also be interested in Victoria Playpark (VPP) Admissions Seminar to be held on the same dates’ afternoon (On site seminar or on ZOOM of your choice). To learn more about VPP playgroups, please register for VPP seminar HERE.