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Curriculum Brochure 維多利亞教育機構課程簡介 维多利亚教育机构课程简介


Welcome to Kornhill Victoria Nursery / Kornhill Victoria Kindergarten!

Our campus is one of Victoria Education Organisation’s kindergartens located on the east side of Hong Kong Island. We welcome over 300 eager students through our doors every day!

Middle Kornhill Campus prides itself on fostering a close relationship between parents and teachers. This partnership ensures that students, parents and educators are all focused on the same goal: helping students reach their greatest potential.


Natural Learning Environment

A natural environment enhances learning

At Kornhill Victoria Kindergarten, we pride ourselves on our inviting natural environment. Large windows allowing natural sunlight to fill the school’s leafy corridors enhance the learning of our children. Studies have shown that natural light in the classroom allow students to better focus on their learning, enjoy improved mood and mental alertness and experience increased productivity. It has also been shown that there is a considerable increase in learning speed, and this can have a significant positive effect on student achievement. Natural light simply creates a more productive and successful environment for students.

Relationships matter

Positive relationships are embedded within our core values

The single most important factor engaging students in learning at school is the formulation of positive relationships. We know that the link between these relationships and student achievement is strong. That is why our continual focus is always on how we can improve the interactions between our students and teachers and all our school community members.

Bilingual Storybooks

Bilingual storybooks open the doors to deeper learning

Kornhill Victoria Kindergarten has developed a school-wide literacy focus using bilingual books. The teachers use a chosen bilingual story to launch a specific unit of inquiry, and to provide stimulus for that unit. This helps to introduce the students to different concepts in a natural and authentic manner. Learning activities focused on literacy skills in both Chinese and English help to develop the students’ multilingual understanding. Collaborative teaching environments also help to spark the students’ enthusiasm and curiosity about the unit of inquiry.

Trilingual Learning

Trilingual learning is incorporated in an authentic environment

Studies in language development show that when young students have more exposure to languages at an early age, they enjoy a distinct academic advantage throughout life. Bilingual or multilingual programs show students a broader world view, whatever the native language of the student, and lead to greater opportunities for collaborative learning. This is the reason why we immerse our students in a stimulating trilingual environment. Because our students are surrounded by all three languages (Cantonese, English and Mandarin) on a daily basis, they acquire the 2nd and 3rd language in much the same way they learn their first language. All language teachers collaboratively plan the learning engagements across all subject areas, thus ensuring that students come into contact with all three languages in an authentic manner.

Harmonious Community

Harmonious collaboration is vital for student achievement

In keeping with our core values, Kornhill Victoria Kindergarten strives to create an environment where teachers and parents work collaboratively to prepare our students to be the best that they can be. Throughout the year, our school invites both parents and members of the community to join in our activities. In some units of inquiry, we also take our students on field trips into the surrounding community. We hope that with the close collaboration between the different parts of the community, the students will learn the importance of valuing and caring for others.

Facilities School environment