Personal Information Collection Statement ("PICS")

Latest Update: 5 September 2024

This Personal Information Collection Statement (this “Statement”) is made in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the Privacy Policy Statement of Victoria Educational Organisation (“VEO”, “we”, “us” and “our”), which is available on our website This Statement sets out:

  1. The purposes for which your and/or your child's personal data (for example, name, address, contact details, photos and other information from which you and/or your child might be identified) may be collected and used by VEO;
  2. To whom the personal data collected may be transferred or disclosed; and
  3. How you could access and correct your and/or your child's personal data.

Purpose and Collection of Personal Data
Please note that personal data marked with asterisks (*) in this personal information collection form (in both hardcopy and softcopy) are mandatory. If you do not provide such personal data, we may not be able to process your application or offer our programmes and/or services to you. If a data subject is below 18 years old, we will request their parents or guardian to indicate their consent to the collection, holding, use, processing, and disclosure of their personal data. We may collect, hold, use and process your and/or your child's personal data, for the following purposes:

    1. processing your application/enrolment of our programmes and/or services;
    2. responding to your application/enrolment of our programmes and/or services;
    3. development and delivery of our services, programmes, activities, facilities and benefits;
    4. performing our administrative, education, academic and research functions;
    5. health and safety;
    6. organising school, parents and alumni activities;
    7. maintaining students’ academic records, such as report card, and academic achievement certificates, and providing references;
    8. responding to your enquiries and complaints;
    9. conducting surveys, research, analysis and internal trainings for improvement of our programmes, services and/or websites;
    10. assessment of suitability for scholarships, bursaries and other financial awards or grants (if applicable);
    11. making disclosure when required by law, regulation, or court order of any jurisdiction, and/or as requested by any court, governmental, supervisory or regulatory authority or administrative organisation or entity, whether in or outside Hong Kong (including the Education Bureau and the Centre for Health Protection in Hong Kong);
    12. (subject to your consent) offering you our services, programmes and products, including sending you marketing and promotional materials relating to our services, programmes and products;
    13. (subject to your consent) conducting joint promotion events, including sending you marketing and promotional materials in relation to education-related products, services and/or businesses of our holding companies, subsidiaries and affiliated organisations and entities operating in education and related services, hospitality, insurance, and health care services, etc. (“Affiliates”);
    14. facilitating the enrolment in and managing, and providing services, programmes and products under the membership or subscriptions of us and/or our Affiliates, which allow members to subscribe to various events, seminars and podcasts organised and/or provided by us and/or our Affiliates and to purchase educational products of us and/or our Affiliates; and
    15. any other incidental or associated purposes relating to the above, or any other purpose which you may from time to time agree.

    Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data
    The personal data may, for or in connection with the aforesaid purposes, be disclosed and transferred to:
    1. our Affiliates (including CTF Education Group Limited);
    2. third parties (within or outside Hong Kong) engaged by us, including but not limited to any agent, contractor, or third-party service provider who provides administrative, legal, telecommunications, computer, payment, data processing or other services to our school; and
    3. any court, governmental, supervisory or regulatory authority or administrative organisation or entity, whether in or outside Hong Kong.

    Subject to your consent, VEO and/or our Affiliates (including CTF Education Group Limited) may use and include names, school works, school awards, video/audio recordings, transcripts and photographs of you and/or your child taken by the school or provided by you and/or your child for the purposes of publications and promotional activities (including but not limited to VEO, CTF Education Group Limited and/or our Affiliates’ brochures, newsletters, website, social media platform, and promotional and marketing materials).

    Retention of Personal Data
    We will retain any personal data collected for the duration required to fulfil the original purpose of collection. Generally speaking, the personal data will be retained for so long as it is necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose for which the data is collected or for a maximum of 7 years, unless we are under any legal obligation to retain the same for a longer period.

    Yours Rights
    Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, we may not use or provide to another person for use any personal data in direct marketing unless with your consent. You have a right to request access to, make a copy of, and request us to make correction of any personal data you provided. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please complete the “Personal Data Access Form” ( ) and/or make the correction request and send it directly to your child’s campus to the attention of the Principal. VEO may charge a reasonable fee for processing your data access request.

    Contact Us
    If you wish to know more about our privacy policy, please refer to the most updated version posted on our website ( If there is any inconsistency or conflict between our Privacy Policy Statement and this Statement, this Statement shall prevail.

    If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese version of this Statement, the English version shall prevail.